i’m a rabbi with an equal love of rabbinic text and haiku. in this blog, the two meet.

6 Responses to “about me”

  1. Jessica Fain said

    I want to subscribe to this as a daily email!!

  2. atira said

    really inspiring stuff. Lovely to stumble upon.
    – Atira, London

  3. Laura said

    You are awesome. Love this – thanks for sharing it with me 🙂

  4. just wanted to say, thank you for these, i really enjoy them. (and i know how hard it is to keep up!)

  5. Hank London said

    It only gets better. I enjoyed the Parshat Hashavu that you did when you were in Pardes, and now I am enjoying these, Although I think these are more difficult to do. Not sure, wonder what you think.

  6. Leah Rosenthal said

    I love your insights. I find that just reading your 3 line commentary upgrades my daf yomi experience immensely… I am only sorry I just recently discovered them… Thank you!

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